Questions on Work and Energy, IGCSE, CBSE, ICSE.
Two marksPerson holds a suitcase for 30
minutes and gets tired. Has he done some work or not? Justify your answer.Describe an activity to show
that the work done by a force can be either positive or negativeThe kinetic energy of an object
of mass `m’ moving with a velocity of 5ms-1
is 25J. Calculate its kinetic energy when
its velocity is doubled.
List two conditions which need
to be satisfied for the work to be done on an object ?A box of about 10kg is placed
at a point A on a horizontal surface. It is moved to a point B which is at a
distance of 2m from A. If the line joining A and B is horizontal find the work
done by the gravitational force on the box. Justify your answer. (g 10 m/s2)
Define energy. Name and define
its SI unit.What is the SI unit of kinetic
energy ? Find kinetic energy of a body of mass 15 kg moving with a velocity of
4 m/s. When is work said to be done
against the force of gravity ? State and define SI unit of work.How is work done by a force
measured ? A porter lifts a luggage of 20 kg from the ground and puts it on his
head 1.7 m above the ground. Find the work done by the porter on the luggage.
(g10 m/s2)
Define the term kinetic energy.
Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of an object of mass „m‟ moving with a uniform velocity v
Name the commercial unit of
energy. Establish a relationship between this unit and SI unit of energy. A
battery lights a torch bulb. State the energy transformations involved in this
process.Define potential energy and
derive an expression for it.List two conditions which need
to be satisfied for the work to be done on an objectState and define commercial
unit of energy. Convert it into Joules„Work and Energy are related to
each other‟. Explain the given statement
(a) When a compressed spring is
dropped in an acid it is dissolved. What happens to the PE of the spring ?
Explain. (b) What is the commercial unit of energy ? Define it.A body of mass 2 kg is flying
horizontally with a velocity of 72 km/h at a height 10 m. Compute the total
energy.(a) Define kinetic energy (b) A
horse of mass 200 kg and a dog of mass 20 kg are running at the same speed.
Which of the two possesses more kinetic energy(a) Define one Joule of work.
(b) What will be the work done in the following situations ? State whether it
will be positive, negative or zero, giving reason in each case
Three marks
(a) Define one joule of
energy. (b) Two cars X and Y of masses m1
and m2 accelerate from rest in linear
direction. The mass of Y is twice of X. The acceleration due to car X is 1 ms2. After
a time of t seconds it is noticed that the Kinetic energy of X is twice of
Kinetic energy of Y. Calculate the acceleration produced by the car Y.
The kinetic energy of an
object moving with a velocity of 5 m/s is 25J. Find the mass of the object.
What will be its kinetic energy when its velocity is made (i) two times (ii)
three times ? Justify your answers.
Two bodies of same mass start
from rest and move with velocities of V and 2V respectively. Find the ratio
of their kinetic energies.
(a) State the law of
conservation of energy. (b) Taking the example of a simple pendulum, explain
the variations in the forms of energy and the inter conversions involved
during its oscillatory motion
(i) A porter holds a luggage
over his head for 40 minutes and gets tired. Has he done work ? Justify your
answer. (ii) What is the angle between the direction of motion of an object
and the direction of the applied force, if the work done on the object is
said to be negative ? (iii) Define 1 joule of work
Two boys Ram and Shyam have
mass equal to 40 kg each. They start climbing a rope separately and both
reach a height of 6 m. Ram takes 20 seconds and Shyam takes 25 seconds to
complete the task. Who has more power? Explain your answer. (Take g =10 m/s2)
Observe the diagrams I and II
carefully. An object of mass m is lifted from A to B to height h along path 1
and path 2. What would be the work done on the object in both the cases ?
Give reasons for your answers
(a) Define energy. What is its S.I. unit
(b) How is the commercial
unit of electrical energy related to its S.I. unit ?
(a) A bus starts from rest
accelerates against friction due to road from t 0 sec to t 10 sec. Then it is
allowed to decelerate from t 11 sec
to t 30 sec. Comment about the
nature of work done in these different time intervals. (b) What is the work done
by the force of gravity on a satellite while moving around the earth ?
Justify your answer.
A body of mass 5 kg initially
at rest is subjected to a force of 20N. Find the kinetic energy acquired by
the body at the end of 10s
When do we say that the work
is done by a force ? A porter lifts a luggage of 15 kg from the ground and
puts it on the head 1.7 m above the ground. Find the work done by the porter
on the luggage. ( g10 m/s2 )
A body of mass 5 kg is thrown
vertically upwards with a speed of 10 m/s. What is its kinetic energy when it
is thrown ? Find its potential energy when it reaches at the highest point.
Also find the maximum height attained by the body. (g10 m/s2)
When do we say that the work
done is negative ? Certain force acting on a 20kg mass changes its velocity
from 5 m/s to 2 m/s. Find the work done by the force
Define commercial unit of
energy. Derive relationship between this unit of energy and SI unit of
energy. An electrical device of 500 W is used daily in a household for 10 hours.
Calculate the energy consumed in the month of April.
A child of mass 35kg is sitting on a trolley of mass 5 kg. The trolley is given a push by applying a force so that begins to move with a speed of 4m/s. The trolley comes to rest after covering a distance of 16 m. Find (i) the work done on the trolley (ii) the work done by the trolley before coming the nest.(a) An object of mass ‘m’ is moving with a velocity ‘v’ on a level ground. State the amount of work done by a person who wants to stop the object. Justify your answer. (b) A satellite of mass ‘m’ is moving round the earth with a speed ‘v’. State the work done by the force of gravity on the satellite. Justify your answer.Define work. How is work measured ? When is work done by a force said to be negative ?A force is applied on a car of mass 1500 kg, so that its speed increases from 54 km/h to 72 km/h. Find the workdone by the force on the carDefine 1 watt of power. A lamp consumes 1000 J of electrical energy in 10s. Calculate its powerHow much work should be done on an object of 120 kg to increase its speed from 25 m/s to 40 m/s ?
Five marks
(a) What is the commercial
unit of energy ? Give the relationship between commercial unit of energy and
joules. (b) In an office, a tube light of 40W, a fan of 75 W and a cooler of
150 W are installed. If the appliances are used for 8 hours per day, find the
energy consumed per day in commercial unit
State the law of Conservation
of energy. Illustrate the law of Conservation of energy by discussing the
energy change which occurs when a pendulum bob is drawn to one side and
allowed to oscillate. Why does the bob eventually come to rest ? What happens
to its energy eventually ? Explain whether it is a violation of Law of
Conservation of energy
(a) Define Kinetic energy and
derive an expression for it. (b) How many joules of energy make one KWh. (c)
A bullet of mass 50 gm is fired from a gun. It leaves the barrel with a
velocity of 100 m/s in 0.01 seconds. Calculate the power expended by the gun
in firing the bullet.
(a) State and prove law of
conservation of energy for a freely falling body. (b) What is the power
expended by the engine of the car mass 1.5 tonnes which increases the
velocity of the car from 36 km/hr to 72 km/hr in 20 seconds.
(a) Define power. Two boys A
and B do the same work in 5 minutes and 6 minutes respectively. Which of the
two has more power and why ? (b) Derive an expression for the kinetic energy
of a moving object
State the law of conservation of energy.
Illustrate this law by discussing the free fall of an object.
(i) A light and a heavy object have the same momentum. What is the ratio of their kinetic energies ? Which one has a larger kinetic energy ?(ii) A ball is dropped from a height of 10m. If the energy of the ball reduces by 40% after striking the ground, how much high can the ball bounce back ? (g 10ms2)(i) Define power. Write its SI unit. (ii) A body of mass 15 kg possesses kinetic energy of 18.75 kJ. Find the velocity. (iii) An electric bulb of 100 W is used for 4 hrs a day. Calculate the energy consumed by it in a day in Joules and kilowatt hour unitList one main difference between potential and kinetic energy with one example of each. Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of an object of mass ‘m’ moving horizontally with uniform velocity.
(i) State the law of conservation of energy.(ii) Show that the energy of a freely falling body is conservedDefine Kinetic energy. Derive an expression for the Kinetic energy possessed by an object of ‘m’ moving with a velocity ‘v’ . A light and a heavy object has the same momentum Find the ratio their kinetic energies. Which one has a larger Kinetic energy ?State the law of conservation of energy. Show that the energy of a (i) freely falling object is conserved (ii) vibrating pendulum is conserved.What is meant by power of a machine ? Name and define its SI unit. How is kilowatt different from kilowatt hour ? From a 20m high fall nearly 25 metric tonnes of water fall per second. Calculate the equivalent power if all this energy is utilized. (g 10 m/s2)
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